Hallie Hernandez is 5 years old and loves kittens. She is part of a bigger family which consists of 8 dogs, 2 cats, and a rabbit. All coexist peacefully. Hallie has been around several fosters cats and dogs. She goes out to local shelters and walks dogs with her mom as well as cuddles kittens. She has fostered bottle-fed kittens as well and watched them move on to adoptive homes. She has attended adoption events since before she could walk. She has been apart of helping dogs with low esteem build confidence. Her most recent accomplishment is picking up a litter of kittens from an animal control facility that were at risk due to medical. She now has a fb page (Hallie’s Cats) telling the stories of forgotten or helpless kittens with no outlet. She leads by example and will make a huge impact on animal welfare in South Georgia.

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