Many times for the albums, I am only able to post the Jersey side of the transport. This month, I am sharing pictures of the Georgia side as well as the Jersey side. We had many memorable moments this month including the rescue of Blondie aka Izzy, the 30,000th pup to be rescued. A dream was also realized in the ribbon cutting and opening of our tiny house village at Camp Animal Aid. Our little community has come a long way! We now have a little village of tiny homes along with a courtyard so we can come together for reflection, camaraderie and just to relax and enjoy each other. Thank you to all that have made this possible. Also a big thank you to Rick and Nancy Allmon for welcoming us to their property and allowing us to make it our home base! This trip was also the maiden voyage of the new caravan rig! We look forward to taking many trips and rescuing many pups in the future!