Connie met Karen LaSasso and Animal Aid in 2012 when she needed help rescuing a sweet senior Pitbull by the name of Apollo from the shelter she was a volunteer with and was doing rescue help. They instantly clicked. Connie stayed in touch with Karen over the years, especially after Hurricane Sandy where Karen offered help to after the storm. One day Karen asked when Connie was going on a trip to Ga? Connie had been following her efforts with rural Georgia and was intrigued. She had just started my own rescue, Shelter Saviors and Rescued Friends in 2015, and thought its time! One trip and she was hooked! Connie is proud to be a receiving rescue for AAUSA and help place the forgotten animals of rural Georgia. She continues to love her monthly trips and the wonderful camaraderie of the group! “So many friendships have been made! I love my rescue sisters and brothers! Rescue is in our blood and I can’t imagine it any other way!”