Rose & Mark Hamilton

Rose & Mark Hamilton

Founders of Woof Love Rescue

Rose and Mark didn’t find rescue. Rescue found them early  2012 in the form of a young dog at a preschool drop off.  This led to Rose sending a picture to Mark, at work, of their youngest daughter and the pup. Mark told Rose that she wasn’t playing fair, but said that the puppy could come for a visit.  Of course, that pup never left.

That was only the beginning. One dog soon led to a second and a question Rose and Mark were asking themselves. How is it possible that these dogs were simply thrown away like someone’s trash? They were such treasures, bringing so much joy their lives,

The road to rescue began with fostering. This resulted in two more dogs joining the Hamilton family and many other families growing through adoption of the Hamilton‘s foster pups. Rose eventually became further involved in the coordination involved in the monthly rescue efforts and discovered within herself a passion for Rescue. This eventually led to her founding Woof Love Rescue in 2017. Mark has supported her every step of the way, partnering with her in their rescue efforts.

Rose and Mark’s first experience with Animal Aid USA was in December 2012 when they took in an AAUSA pup to foster for a local organization.  Their relationship with Animal Aid continued to grow and they went on their first caravan in 2015.  That trip, and truly seeing the rescue mission from the GA side, was the very beginning of the thoughts that whispered in Rose‘s mind about how to do more.

Now Rose, Mark and Woof Love Rescue are honored to call Animal Aid part of their Rescue Family and are active in helping each month with the NJ side of the arrival days.

Rose and Mark live in Collingswood NJ and currently have 4 rescue dogs, 3 rescue cats and 3 children at home.